Let's build a community centered on conservation of fish and wildlife, sustainable food systems, and caring for our environment.
Global Social Business Partners (GSBP) and the Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership invite all to join us for an evening of Community, Conservation, and Culture at Lake Sammamish State Park. Together, we will build a coalition of like-minded organizations, community members & leaders, and youth who care for the environment, support sustainable food systems, and foster innovative solutions for today's problems. Let's create a community together!
This educational networking event will include:
An introduction to the 3Zero Club
Fishing Lessons
Habitat Restoration Tours
Educational Exhibits & Activities
Opportunities to Connect with Community Leaders
and More!
This event is organized by Global Social Business Partners (GSBP) and the Lake Sammamish Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership (UWRP). Many thanks to our Sponsors and Partner organizations: Trout Unlimited, Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust, Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group, Washington State Parks, Snoqualmie Indian Tribe, Friends of Lake Sammamish State Park, Friends of Issaquah Salmon Hatchery, and more coming soon.