Lake Sammamish Kokanee Salmon

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  • Lake Sammamish Kokanee

    Once the most abundant Pacific salmon in this watershed, with numbers in the tens of thousands of fish, recent returns are less than 5% of their historic levels and have dipped below 110 individuals three times (avg. return = 800 fish). Recent data indicate that spring and summer runs of native kokanee are likely already extinct, with the winter/late run holding on only by a thread.

  • The Snoqualmie Tribe

    The Snoqualmie Tribe has been in this area for time immemorial. Lake Sammamish Kokanee Salmon are historically and culturally important to the Tribe who has been an active partner and leader in this little red fish’s recovery effort.

  • Kokanee Work Group

    We are an ad hoc collaborative group formed in 2007 to identify the causes for the decline of native kokanee in Lake Sammamish and the key actions that can be made to turn around that decline, and then foster implementation of those actions.

    The goals of the KWG encompass returning the kokanee population to robust health and ultimately re-establishing a fishery for kokanee on the lake. The KWG membership is broad and you are welcome to join!

  • Recovery Partners

    Recovery of Lake Sammamish Kokanee Salmon takes a lot of cooperation. Meet the partners who are committed to the recovery of the Little Red Fish.

  • Resource Library

    Many entities are doing great work to recover Lake Sammamish Kokanee Salmon. Unfortunately, the information is spread over many sites and can be difficult to find. This page will serve as a HUB (Link Library) to facilitate your search or interest.